The rewards of cooking for Women’s Night

Hillary Wessel smiles for the camera as the Young Professionals prepare a barbecue-style meal for Women’s Night in August 2023.

Raising money is great, but one of the most rewarding ways you can help the St. Patrick Center is by making a hot meal for its clients.

Women’s Night offers Young Professionals members a first-hand opportunity to support those in need. Every month, a handful of members gather to prepare a meal with all the fixings for 30 women receiving services at the center.

It’s a great time to learn more about the St. Patrick Center, it’s clients and your fellow Young Professionals.

“My favorite part of the experience was getting to meet the women in the St. Patrick’s program and the other volunteers,” said Hillary Wessel after her first Women’s Night. “Being a new member, I wasn’t too sure what to expect, but everyone was super welcoming and appreciative of the work we were doing. “

The women often eat casseroles donated by local churches. And while they are much appreciated, few people would choose to live on prebaked casserole alone.

That’s one of the reasons why many of the women at the center look forward to seeing the Young Professionals every month.

The dish changes, from pasta to tacos and barbeque. But we always need at least five giving people to purchase and prepare the meals — adding that dash of TLC that makes the meal special for everyone. Food is prepared in advance and brought ready to serve or prepared that evening in the center’s commercial kitchen.

The meal is served cafeteria style, with Young Professional plating food and handing it to the clients in the dining room from over the kitchen counter — just like your middle school.

This makes for a great time to share a family-favorite dish. Just like Hillary, who made who received a lot of complements for her dad’s baked beans recipe. And on her first time at Women’s Night, no less.

“Making it for the Women’s Night was my first time making the dish ever, and it was very heartwarming to hear all the compliments from the women who came back for seconds!” she said.

If you’d like to participate in Women’s Night, sign up on our spreadsheet and join the email thread to help select the next meal. We can’t wait to see what you’ll bring to the table.

If you’re looking for a way to get involved with the St Patrick’s Young Professionals, this is a great way to start!” Hillary said. “You’ll be able to get to make some amazing connections while also serving a delicious meal to the women in the program.”


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