Why join the Young Professionals Board?

With former Chairman Mike Weaver

With thousands of nonprofits in the greater St. Louis area, why should you give your time and efforts to St. Patrick Center and join the Young Professionals Board?

Because St. Patrick Center does some of the most good for the most vulnerable members of our community. Just in 2022, the center served 4,462 individuals, provided 102,456 hot meals, and helped 518 households retain housing.

And the Young Professionals Board gives you the chance to help, while meeting amazing people and having a great time along the way.

Just ask Mike Weaver, a long-time board member and former chairman.

“SPC is the largest housing service organization in the region and one of the pre-eminent ones in the country,” Mike said. “But the real value to members is the relationships you'll build with other members and the ability to work directly with clients of the organization in addition to fundraising and friend-raising.”

For Mike, the most rewarding aspect was knowing that when he met a big fundraising goal, all that time and effort went to giving someone a hand up out of homelessness or housing insecurity.

“I learned that, like so much of life, you get out what you're willing to put into it,” he said. “I was blessed to have two years surrounded by dedicated people, and we were able to expand the board to new fundraising levels, new communities, and new levels of involvement. That return was the result of the work people were willing to put in.”

Mike became a member after he moved back to St. Louis and wanted to find a way to get involved in the community. He already knew Zack Folk, who served as chair at the time and referred him to the board. Once he heard what the mission was all about, he knew it was the place for him.

“The mission of St. Patrick Center really spoke to me and gave me what I was looking for — a way to give back to the community and a place to connect with people who shared that ideal,” Mike said.

Throughout his time on the YPB, Mike was most proud of their record years of fundraising, especially around Christmas.

“Walking out of Target with more gifts than we could fit into our cars was the epitome of a good problem to have.” Mike said. “Wrapping and delivering those gifts which brought joy to so many people and their families was a gift for us.”

And the Christmas gift donation is only one of the ways that members offer service throughout the year.

The board hosts the annual Irish Party with all proceeds going to the SPC. In 2023, the Irish Party raised $16,258. Board members also participate in major fundraising events like the Irish Open, which raised more than $682,000 in 2023.

And members volunteer their time and talents at events like the monthly Women’s Night, serving dinner to 30 people at the women’s shelter.

Mike isn’t chairman anymore, but he knows SPC and YPB will continue to grow and serve the community, and he’ll be there in any way he can to help.

“There are a lot of dedicated people in the St. Louis homeless services community and we're going to effectively end homelessness in the next ten years,” he said.

Are you a young professional who wants to be a part of ending homelessness in St. Louis?

Then please reach out to Rachel Hansen, our SPC YP liaison, and join the board.


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